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UKITA Shropshire 'Unplugged' Event
Wednesday, 16 September 2009 13:58

The Shropshire Branch's 'Unplugged' event "Creating Business through Business Link" will be held on Weds 23rd September, from 7pm at the Cock Hotel, Wellington.

Dear All,

I would like to welcome you to our next Unplugged event at a new venue with great pies and chips, the Cock Hotel in Wellington.

Hopefully it will be more accessible for some of you than the last location. The format is the same, ie come for an informal talk and some informal networking with some great food (£3.50 per person payable on night)

This is a highly relevant talk to all members and other folks who run IT businesses, so other branches are particularly welcome. Please spread the word.

So for the details:

Title:         “Creating Business Through Business Link”
Speaker:     Derek Lote - Business Link 

Description:  Derek will present informally on the new ITAS system and also the Supplier Listing System for preferred and vetted suppliers for Business Link clients. He will describe how all this works and how we can create business opportunity with Business Link. He is ready for some very candid questions about different and important issues such as the relevance of Quality Marks etc. So come armed with your questions. This is your opportunity. I think this will be a great night and most relevant for our businesses.

Location:   Cock Hotel, Wellington, TF1 2DL (linked)
Food:         Fantastic Pork Pie(I mean it…) and Chips. 
                 *Vegetarian sandwiches to order so let me know. 
                 £3.50 per person to cover food cost.

Room.        Private room at the back, through the bar.


6.30    Arrive, network
7.15    Talk, feedback discussion and food.
8.15    Networking
9.00    End of formal proceedings although folks welcome to stay on and have a drink

Any questions then feel free to ask.

Do let me know if you are coming as it really helps to get the numbers right for the catering. Thanks.


Edward Bedell
Chairman for UKITA Shropshire
01939 251710
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Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 15:37