UKITA Marketplace - Filtered on Type: Events and Region/Branch: All / EU collaboration Self-service IT services and skills marketplace where businesses and individuals can post their requirements and availability for IT projects Mon, 25 Apr 2011 22:17:23 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Self-service IT Marketplace - How does it work?,com_fishtank/open,14/,com_fishtank/open,14/ UKITA's self-service Projects, People and  Expertise Marketplace - how does it work?

Anyone can submit items for the marketplace using the 'post a new item' link at the top of the page. After we check them over, they appear in the listings under the appropriate category type.

If it's a commercial opportunity (quote-wanted etc) then the contact details will appear only in the members-only (logged-in) view unless we are republishing opportunities which appear in the public domain in which case we often include the full contact details,

Logged-in members can see and place extra posting types - staff and contractors wanted, member-to-member offers, partnering invitations, reseller deals etc - non-members can place these items on payment of a fee and responses will be forwarded to them from our membership office.

If you need proposals and quotes for IT, digital media or internet work then please place them here and our members will be alerted. You can provide the details of what you need, upload a tender document and indicate your budget range if you wish.
Sun, 17 Apr 2011 13:04:15 +0000